The Future ~ Next Exit

Super Happy ~ I had my “security” meeting yesterday! A lot better than my meeting a year ago! So this time I passed the “security level” (Hallelujah), which means my 6 month training (aspiranten) is on! Sooo happy & excited! Finally!! Cant stop smiling!

Stockholm ~ Söderort ~ here I come! So, next “challenge” is finding an apartment in Stockholm! So if anyone knows of one ~ Please let me know ASAP (Södermalm, Johanneshov & Hammarbyhöjden)!! Exciting!!



My past year has definitely not been a waste though, done a lot of travelling and other fun things! Met a lot of amazing people along my way! ❤️

My plan is to write about my Costa Rica trip in the near future & post some pictures! I have most of it written down already, which is awesome! ✌️


Pura Vida!